-RECIPE-Starbucks style iced caramel latte

Ingredients: 1/3 cup espresso/strongly brewed coffee 2/3 cup milk (or almond/soya as a dairy free alternative) 2-3tsp caramel sauce Ice cubes Directions: Chill the coffee in the fridge until it is cold (if you use the freezer,it will cool more quickly) Whisk the caramel sauce into the milk until fully combined and slightly frothy Immediately … Continue reading -RECIPE-Starbucks style iced caramel latte

-RECIPE-Knickerbocker Glory

Is there anything more relaxing and cooling on a boiling August afternoon (OK,this is a very rare occurrence in Britain) than this luxury,multi-tiered fruity,creamy dessert. I could honestly live on ice cream alone (that is no exaggeration) so,I find myself eating so much of the stuff as soon as the temperature spikes a couple of … Continue reading -RECIPE-Knickerbocker Glory